Dr. Amir Ashur received his PhD in 2006. His doctoral dissertation was ‘Engagement and Betrothal Documents from the Cairo Geniza’ under the supervision of Prof. M.A. Friedman from Tel Aviv University.
His research focuses on the ‘documentary Geniza’ – letters and legal documents. He also deals with documents relating to medical practice and he is taking part in the ‘Jewish Physicians’ project, headed by prof. Efraim Lev, Haifa University. Dr. Ashur serves also as a visiting scholar at the Taylor-Schechter Geniza Research Unit in Cambridge University, UK, and he is preparing a catalogue of Maimonides and Maimonidean related document in the T-S collection.
The Interdisciplinary Centre for the Broader Application of Genizah Research
University of Haifa I Mount Carmel Haifa 3498838 I Phone : 04-8249965 | Email: elev@univ.haifa.ac.il , mlavee@univ.haifa.ac.il
Our thanks to Cambridge University Library/Taylor Schechter Genizah Research Unit and the Haifa University Library
for allowing us to display the photos from their collections
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