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Donors & Supporters

The centre owes much of its activities and achievements to the generosity and continued help from our benefactors and supporters.

These Include:

The Landy Charitable Fund
 The late Harry and Gertrude Landy supported many types of charitable causes, tzedakah and educational enterprises. The management of the Landy Charitable Trust passed on to their eldest son, Mr. Barry Landy, who is proud to support academic projects in their memory. The Landy Trust is presently supporting Prof. Efraim Lev’s project:  "The Prosopography of Jewish Medical Practitioners in Medieval Egypt” (2013-2016); and has committed itself to supporting the project: “Transfer of Medieval Medical Knowledge within Mediterranean Society: The Medical Notebooks of the Cairo Geniza as a Test Case” in the near future (2016-2019).

Fondation Francois et Nicola Grandchamp
FFNG (Fondation Francois et Nicola Grandchamp) was established  15 years ago. The foundation supports academic research and higher Jewish education, including the Leo Beck College in London, Medieval Jewish Philosophy Studies at the University of Geneva and the Midrash Project in the Genizah Centre in the University of Haifa. The foundation chose these projects to further its founder's vision: "We believe that  Jewish Studies are part of the “DNA” of Judaism and possibly its “raison d’etre" ".

The Haifa University Research Authority
The Interdisciplinary Centre for the Broader Application of Genizah Rsearch operates under the auspices of the University's Research Authority whose aim is to help scientists and scholars maximize their research potential through the acquisition of research funding. The Research Authority encourages the establishment of research centers, like the Genizah centre, where interdisciplinary approaches, create a synergy and promise to result in innovative and groundbreaking research.
The Research Authority provides the necessary infrastructure and logistical help both to the Genizah centre as a whole and to the individual researchers working under its auspices. It is  thanks to their support and help that the centre is able to pursue a variety of  activities, projects and studies that promise to further knowledge of the Genizah and its societies, digital humanities and Jewish studies for the benefit of researchers and the general public.


If you or your institution is interested in supporting the centre, its projects or activites please contact us at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.